
Innovation Management


Dafigo has a history of helping businesses transform their innovation management activities from a patchwork of fragmented transactions into a strategic endeavour that involves every enterprise function, including research and operational decision making. At a minimum, our solutions give businesses everything they need to get a coherent framework for making smart, risk-sensitive decisions about upside initiatives such as new market opportunities, new products and new plant locations ensuring them to get predictable, profitable results from their innovation efforts.

It’s human nature for people who work together and therefore spend a considerable amount of time together to think alike which can at times diminish creativity. Our ideas are refreshingly different.


The right resources at the right time to deliver the right solutions



Understanding what are the most important strategic decisions and knowing which ones need to be taken quickly and more nimbly is really important. Speed and having the right people in the room to make those decisions is critical. In a world where there is an absolute explosion of information and data, having the right capabilities, the right insight, the analytical skills to inform those decisions is absolutely paramount.